Healthy Eating Cheat Sheet

By Michelle McKenzie, Nutritionist for Shine.

Here are a list of foods that are great to incorporate into your diet.SR Food medicine

The foods in bold support a healthy microbiome (prebiotics and probiotics) and the foods in red are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

Additionally to this and based on the work of Dr William Li, I have highlighted some foods that he recommends in blue. Dr Li researches into foods that starve disease and optimise health using the same scientific technology used in drug research. Based on his research, he has created a list of foods that can be used to help our bodies defence systems - to help protect and heal us from dis-ease. These natural defence systems form the key pillars of health and each of them is influenced by diet. The five defence systems include angiogenesis, regeneration, the microbiome, DNA and immunity.

1.     Angiogenesis

Sixty thousand miles of blood vessels course together throughout the body and bring oxygen and nutrients to all our cells and organs. Angiogenesis is the process by which these blood vessels are formed.

2.     Regeneration

Powered by more than 750,000 stem cells distributed throughout our body (bone marrow, lungs, liver & other organs), the body regenerates itself every single day. Stem cells maintain, repair and regenerate our bodies throughout our lives.

SR Immune system3.     Microbiome

Almost 40 trillion bacteria inhabit our bodies, most of which act to defend our health. Not only do these bacteria produce health supporting metabolites from the foods we eat, they also control our immune system, influence angiogenesis and produce hormones that influence our brain and social function.

4.     DNA Protection

Our DNA is our genetic blueprint but it is also designed to be a defence system. It has repair mechanisms that protect us against damage caused by solar radiation, household chemicals, stress, compromised sleep, poor diet etc. Not only can certain foods prompt DNA to fix itself, some foods turn on helpful genes and turn off harmful ones, while other foods lengthen our telomeres, which protect DNA and slow aging.

5.     ImmunitySR Rainbow food

Our immune system defends our health in sophisticated ways. It is influenced by our gut and it can be manipulated to successfully attack and wipe out diseases including cancer.

It’s important to try and vary the types of food that you eat every day (eat a rainbow) to ensure that all the different types of gut microbes get the particular food that they need to survive. A varied diet will also help you to optimise your micronutrient, polyphenol (antioxidants), and phytochemical intake.

We can easily get stuck in a rut and reach for the same foods on a daily basis due to simply being in a rush or for more complicated reasons such as being on a restrictive diet due to food sensitives and other physical requirements. Despite these limitations try to include foods, especially low sugar fruits and veg that you haven’t tried before. If you don’t have time to cook during the week, consider batch cooking and freezing meals over the weekend to avoid reaching for takeaways or processed foods. To put it simply - eat real food - if you are reading a list of ingredients, put it down.

Try to include some probiotic and prebiotic foods (bold) and lots of the foods I have underlined to support your body.

Food isn’t like medicine, it is medicine.


Asparagus, aubergine, dandelion greens, endive leaves, salsify, beetroot, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chard, chicory root, cold potatoes (resistant starch), purple potatoes, sweet potatoes (potatoes best enjoyed in moderation due to blood sugar spikes) courgettes, cucumbers, fennel, green beans, artichokes, Jerusalem artichokes, kale, swiss chard, cavolo nero, spring greens, leeks, lettuce, shitake mushrooms, mushrooms, onions, pak choi, parsnips, peas, red peppers, green/yellow peppers, pumpkin, radicchio, radishes, rocket, Romanesco, spinach, squash, carrots, cherry tomatoes, watercress, kohlrabi, okra, mustard greens, bamboo shoots.

Apples, avocados, blackberries, blackcurrants, blueberries, cherries, pomegranates, lemons, limes, raspberries, strawberries, kiwi, capers, cranberries, nectarines, goji berries, pink grapefruit, watermelon, apricots, peaches, plums, and small portions of mango.

Poultry, pork, beef, game. Organic (to ensure a reduction in the antibiotic residues), sustainable and grass fed. Avoid processed.

Anchovies, cod, crab, Mediterranean sea bass, haddock, herring, mackerel, halibut, mussels, cockles, mullet, hake, oysters, prawns, wild salmon, sardines, scallop’s, rainbow trout, tuna, oyster sauce.
Oily fish twice a week. Avoid breaded fish.

SR Olive OilEGGS - Free-range/organic.

NATURAL FATS - Extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocado oil, hemp oil, coconut oil, butter & ghee

PULSES - Chickpeas, lentils, butter beans, kidney beans, white haricot beans, black beans, soybeans.
(Include as part of a healthy diet but for those susceptible to blood sugar spikes, keep an eye on portion sizes as they are carbohydrates and will raise your blood sugar). 

Full fat natural yogurt, cheese (camembert, gouda, stilton), butter, milk, kefir. Buy organic whenever possible and avoid favoured, sugary and low fat products.  

SR WalnutsNUTS
Brazil nuts (limit to 2 a day), chestnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, pecans, macadamias, almonds, cashews (note for blood sugar spikes that cashews are quite high carb), coconut.

Chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, nigella seeds.

Basil, bay leaves, black pepper, cinnamon, parsley cayenne, coriander, cumin, dill, red chilies, garlic, ginger, mint, rosemary, saffron, sea salt, oregano, sumac, peppermint, tarragon, thyme, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, wasabi, liquorice root.

GRAINS - Quinoa, barley, buckwheat.
(Include as part of a healthy diet but for those susceptible to blood sugar spikes, keep an eye on portion sizes as they are carbohydrates and will raise your blood sugar). 

Water, herbal teas, chamomile tea, fresh ginger, lemon, green tea, bone broth, black tea incl earl grey, oolong tea, coffee, red wine. 

Sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, kombucha, aged cheeses (gouda, parmigiana, camembert), miso, 
full fat natural yogurt, tempeh, natto.

OTHER - Ginseng, dark chocolate, soy, tofu, lions mane mushroom, tahini.



SUGARSR processed sugars
All forms of sugar (glucose, dextrose, mannose, sucrose, corn syrup, molasses, maple syrup), sweets, milk chocolate, ice cream, fruit juices, sodas, sweetened yogurts, protein bars. Artificial sweeteners.

ALL seeded & vegetable oils & margarine and foods that contain them. Sunflower oil, vegetable oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, corn oil, safflower oil.

Cakes, croissants, bread, biscuits, pancakes, muffins, bagels, pies, pizza, tortillas, most crackers.

Breakfast cereals, pasta (keep the portion size small if indulging now and then), noodles, couscous, white rice, brown rice, rice cakes.

STARCHES - Chips, crisps, corn starch, potato starch.

PACKAGED FOODS - Prepared soups, most packaged ‘health foods’

ALCOHOL - Under 14 units a week with at least 3 alcohol free days a week.

xSH Michelle McKenzie.jpg.pagespeed.gpjppjwsjsrjrprirmcpmdim20.ic .U3ii0RzyuZMichelle studied Human Nutrition at the London Metropolitan University and graduated with a first class honours degree. She was also awarded the Dietetics, Food and Nutrition prize by the university in recognition of her academic achievements.

‘I love my job, I get to spend time with people and witness their health and vitality transform. It’s a beautiful thing’. 

Michelle McKenzie - Nutritionist at Shine.